The beauty of a winter spent in southwest Montana is that your skiing trip can double as a fly fishing trip, as well. Make your plans to be back here for the holidays and next year. :)
Would you believe it?...Winter came one week earlier this year compared to last year...which was pretty early. Does Grotto Falls look like this right now? Hike the Hyalite Creek Trail and find out...It's pretty magical back there. :)
Well, winter has begun early again this year. We're in the holidays mood sooner than most. Start planning your holidays trip back to Montana; and, don't forget the snow shoes and skis. :)
Yes, it is unusual that Bozeman is having this kind of freezy weather in October. It's below zero, right now; and, the high temperature today might get into the teens. Stay inside. Do some holidays shopping. And, make your plans to go hiking tomorrow. :)