Sure, it's raining today; but, you need to keep your eye on the prize. Spend a moment today to explore and plan where you'll be on the Fourth Of July. Don't you want to wake up to song birds while camping along a river in southwest Montana? :)
Of course, there's no such thing as a snow rose; but, yesterday, you just might have believed me because it snowed for a while. Actually my roses haven't even flowered yet...Again, we're getting some weird summer weather this year; and, all of the plants seem to be late by a couple of weeks. :)
Fireweed in the lower elevations is putting on a spectacular display this doubt a result of the tremendous snow depth we had this past winter. I imagine that wild flower displays in Glacier are going to be equally spectacular. :)
From Bozeman all the way down to Billings, the landscape is still a fantastic green color; and, with cool, wet weather forecast later this week, our gardens should be putting on their fantastic display a while longer. Get out and enjoy the flowers! :)
Our year has been extremely wet so far. The wild flowers are going mad crazy...Stuff you haven't seen in years is popping up all over the place. I discovered this huge grove of lupines a few years ago along the Lava Lake Trail. Map exactly where it is; and, then go check it out...I'll bet the lupines there are even more prolific this year. :)