I wouldn't exactly call spotting a bear in Yellowstone National Park a waste of time. I would call forgetting your zoom lens camera a missed opportunity, though. Double check that you have everything for your day trip, even if it's just to go fly fishing. You never know what you'll see on the way. :)
The beauty of a summer in southwest Montana is that you can pack several outdoors activities into one day. On the sunniest of warm days, you fish the Gallatin, first. Then you scoot down the canyon to one of several hiking opportunities and get your day hike in. If you're expeditious with your time, you may even find yourself back on the river later in the day. Camp, rinse, and repeat...enjoy! :)
Slowly but surely, the familiar green color we have been seeing in the countryside has finally migrated to the local rivers. Don't get me wrong...They're still high; but, green means go! So, get out there and start your summer fly fishing! :)
A fawn that was probably only a few weeks old greeted me on the patio, one morning, a few days ago....only in Montana. Enjoy a lazy Sunday, summer morning, everyone. :)
Driving past Livingston yesterday, I noticed that the Yellowstone River is no longer a Nestle's Quick brown color...Instead, it is turning green. The water is still high; but, we're almost ready to get back on the river. :)