Would you believe it?...Winter came one week earlier this year compared to last year...which was pretty early. Does Grotto Falls look like this right now? Hike the Hyalite Creek Trail and find out...It's pretty magical back there. :)
Well, winter has begun early again this year. We're in the holidays mood sooner than most. Start planning your holidays trip back to Montana; and, don't forget the snow shoes and skis. :)
Preparing for winter in southwest Montana starts earlier than many people are used to. Sure, you need to get that snow blower ready; but, once that's done, then it's time to find some places to hike, ski, and fish...It's more fun in the snow. :)
In case you hadn't noticed, Bozeman and southwest Montana gets that holidays feel rather early...Just think of it as a reminder to make your holidays plans to visit Montana soon. Who knows?...You may find yourself snow shoeing along the Storm Castle road and even doing a little fly fishing of the Gallatin River along the way. :)