The winter can be a very cold time out on the Gallatin River. To your benefit and despite the cold temperatures, there will be stretches of the river that refuse to freeze over. This stretch of the Gallatin River, above Taylor's Fork, will be free flowing during the entire winter. You might have to wade through foot high snow in order to get to the banks, however.Ā :)
The beauty of a winter spent in southwest Montana is that your skiing trip can double as a fly fishing trip, as well. Make your plans to be back here for the holidays and next year. :)
Well, winter has begun early again this year. We're in the holidays mood sooner than most. Start planning your holidays trip back to Montana; and, don't forget the snow shoes and skis. :)
Friday, Bozeman's weather is supposed to get into the 60's...After that, it's supposed to get freezy freezy. Last year we never even got an Indian summer...This year is looking the same. Tomorrow, get out and enjoy some fishing or hiking! :)
In case you hadn't noticed, Bozeman and southwest Montana gets that holidays feel rather early...Just think of it as a reminder to make your holidays plans to visit Montana soon. Who knows?...You may find yourself snow shoeing along the Storm Castle road and even doing a little fly fishing of the Gallatin River along the way. :)